Room For Growth

April 12, 2023

Building Delight into Growth Strategies with WillowTree’s Nate Wootten

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Episode Description

We’ve all had delightful digital experiences. They’re the surprising, novel moments we didn’t know we wanted but suddenly can’t live without. According to a recent Forrester report, delight drives business revenue: a one-point improvement in a company’s customer experience score can lead to an additional $175 million in revenue over three years, higher customer retention rates, and lower customer acquisition costs.

WillowTree Partner and VP of Commercial Strategy Nate Wootten helps the world’s most beloved brands build and incorporate delightful digital product features into their growth strategies. Recognized as a “40 under 40 Top Mobile Innovator,” Nate leads our award-winning strategy and design thinking practice and has spoken on digital innovation worldwide — from Apple’s Cupertino campus to client conferences in Hong Kong.

Nate joins Billie to discuss how companies can architect moments of delight that drive customer adoption, loyalty, and revenue. We explore frameworks our teams use to help clients categorize and compare delightful product features to other feature categories, such as must-haves, performatives, and thresholds. Join us as we lay out the roadmap to delight across product practices like research, strategy, design, and growth.

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Topics Discussed
  • Using the Kano Model to measure consumer value and identify our clients’ delightful, premium price-point product features
  • Helping our clients identify actionable next steps in their journey map through the tech-agnostic Jobs-To-Be-Done framework
  • UX thought leader Don Norman’s “three-legged stool” as another model to visualize delight — built on what’s visceral, behavioral, and reflective


Billie Loewen
Billy Fischer
Show Description

Join WillowTree experts Billie Loewen and Billy Fischer for a deep dive into growth marketing. In each episode, Billie and Billy will discuss the latest news and topics in lifecycle marketing, chatting with a wide array of guests including WillowTree colleagues, client-partners, and industry thought leaders. Let's grow!

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